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Yorkie Teeth Cleaning

This breed is very prone to early tooth decay, much more so than many others. They are vulnerable to the effects of plague and tarter buildup. Infections easily set in.

Because of this, proper dental care is extremely important. Decay can lead to very serious dental problems:

  • Bacterial may build up and enter into the bloodstream

  • There may be tooth loss, leading to eating problems; this leading to nutrient deprivation

  • Tooth decay can cause great pain for the Yorkie, which is avoidable if regular dental care is provided....both at home and with the veterinarian.

Let's discuss all the important aspects of proper dental care and the teeth of the Yorkshire Terrier. This will explain proper at home care as well as professional cleanings.

Owners must be aware that this adorable Terrier breed is prone to dental issues. Dental care is vitally important. Yellowing on back side of teeth is 1 of the signs that there is too much buildup and a professional checkup is needed.

By the age of 8 months old, the teething phase will be winding down and the adult set will be in. This breed is prone to issues...One is over crowding. While some will have a set of 42 permanents, others have 44 or 45 and these extra teeth can all of them to go out of alignment, off set the jaw and cause other issues.

If you ever notice 2 rows (permanents come in before milk teeth have fallen out), bring this to the attention of the vet right away.

With a good, normal set, the mouth will be in a scissor bite...Which means that the upper incisors are located just a bit to the front of the lowers. This causes a nice, smooth curve when closed. This can be thrown off if proper care is not given...which can lead to loose teeth and other problems.

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